...unlocking political treasures from the U.S. and around the world...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Do Your Civic Duty

First off, my sincere apologies for the long hiatus. I have been working and traveling a good deal and, while both have been exciting and restorative, I happened to pick the most fodder-full month and a half to check out.

I don't even know where to begin, but I think I should start by imploring you all to do your civic duty. The President recently asked us to help him out in defending his health reform; one of his staffers even wrote in this blog post that "If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."

Well, it would be downright un-American if we didn't do what the President asked us to. (In fact, if people don't do it, I hope the President does something about it. Maybe he should create some sort of committee to deal with people whose activities are that un-American. Put suggestions for names in the comments section.) So earlier today, I did my civic duty and reported some fishy information. I hope that my words might inspire you, even a little, to send my email or one of your own along to the proper authorities.
To: flag@whitehouse.gov

I have recently come across several websites that contain gross inaccuracies and exaggerations about President Obama's healthcare reform, and recently, they have also begun using shameless misdirection and even scare tactics against those who don't agree with them.

They can be found here:


and in various entries here:

It's such a shame the people behind these websites feel the need to do what they do the way they do it. My very sincere thanks to you for keeping track of these perversions of the truth!